Love the Let's Swap Dickinson event. Want to give back? Consider Volunteering. Look at the opportunities below. Contact smoeevents@gmail.com if you are interested.
Pre Sorting Volunteer
Volunteer prior to the event! Go through the clothes. Throw away any clothes that does not meet our requirements. Label clothes bag by gender and size. Organize bag in size and gender order.
Anytime for a month prior to the event. Moe Events Owner will post on the Facebook page whenever she or other volunteers are sorting.
Kids Activity Corner Volunteer
Has a positive demeanor, uses love and logic strategy, watch and maintains safety of children, check in and out children, do kids activities with children.
Saturday only!
Regristration Table
Hand out swag bags, swap clothes bags, tell patrons about swap and shop, tell them about the raffles, process clothes at check out letting swappers know how many clothes are for free, and then if over FREE limit have them place a monetary donation.
Saturday only!
Unloading Volunteer
Friday morning unload trailer, move furniture around, set up tables, and clothing racks. Put clothes bags in appropriate sections. Set up any signage.
Friday Morning!
Clothing Set up Volunteer
Hangs clothes on hangers, hang clothes on racks in appropriate sections, put folded clothes in appropriate section, put shoes etc in appropriate section.
Friday (possibly Saturday)
Event Photography
Volunteer to take photos of vendors, registration table, kids activity corner, and patrons shopping the swap.
Saturday only!
Saturday Clothing REstocker
Restock clothes during the event. Pick up hangers. Organize racks, organize clothes on tables, put any clothes out that didn't make it out during Friday Set up.
Thursday Loading
Organize totes and boxes in gender and size order. ​5 pm load vehicles and trailers
Thursday 9 am to 6 pm
The community
form below
Tear Down volunteer
Come with your vehicles, and ready to tear down. All left over clothing will go to the arc. Unless otherwise indicated.
Saturday. 3pm
Volunteer today!
sign up today!
form below